Grand Haven Christian School




In fifth and sixth grade, students begin enjoying the challenges, joys, and benefits of learning how to play an instrument. Students are expected to perform in two concerts as part of the curriculum.

Students playing instruments in band class


Preschool through eighth grade students learn to read music, study composition, and of course, sing! Students have the opportunity to show off their hard work in concerts musicals and Christmas programs.

The teacher demonstrates a song on a piano


Our Art program ensures that students from preschool to eighth grade learn about the elements of art and principles of design at age-appropriate levels. Students get to experience 2D and 3D media such as clay, tempura paint, watercolor, oil pastels, paper collages, and more.

Kids at a table in the classroom as they color with crayola markers


Middle school students have the option of participating in the annual Spring musical. Past musicals have included the Broadway Jr. shows of Peter Pan, Little Mermaid, and Seussical. Our 3rd-5th graders also perform in a musical each spring based on the re-telling of a Bible story. And, our Young 5’s through 2nd grade perform in the “Brown Bag Opera” each year, which is a performance based on children’s stories. 

A teacher stands in front of her classroom as the kids sit and listen to her talk


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