Grand Haven Christian School

Surround Care

Surround Care

Kids outside for recess

Surround Care provides a Christian atmosphere where children can play, learn, and grow. We offer care before and after school, and full day care on most days. When school is not in session, due to conferences, snow days, holidays (spring break and Christmas break), we have limited availability. The Surround Care schedule will be determined based on the number of children signed up and staffing.

Surround Care offers a summer camp in June, July, and August. Children must be 2 ½ years old and potty trained to participate.

Enrollment Policy

Preschool-Age Surround Care Enrollment: All families who need before or after-school care must enroll in Surround Care by Monday, September 18th. To enroll in Surround Care, a family must notify Sarah Miller of their intention to use Surround Care and complete/submit the required paperwork: child information recordstatement of healthnotice of licensing notebookhealth appraisal, and immunization record or waiver. Enrollment is closed after Monday, September 18th, but at Christmas/New Year, we will reopen enrollment, and new families may join Surround Care.

For School-Age (Y5-5th) Enrollment: All families who need before or after-school care must enroll in Surround Care by Monday, September 18th. To enroll in Surround Care, a family must notify Sarah Miller of their intention to use Surround Care and complete/submit the required paperwork. The required paper ischild information record, statement of health, and notice of licensing notebook. Enrollment is closed after Monday, September 18th, but at Christmas/New Year, we will reopen enrollment, and families may join Surround Care.

Care Availability (2023-2024)

Care is available school days before school from 7 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. in the school’s library, and after school from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. every school day, except the last day of school. There are many weekdays throughout the school year when school is not in session. Here is a tentative list of those “days off” from school and whether Surround Care is available:

Thursday, October 19: Surround Care
Friday, October 20: Surround Care
Wednesday-Friday, November 22-24: No Surround Care
December 21 – January 2: No Surround Care
Monday, January 15: Surround Care
Thursday, February 15: TBD
Friday, February 16: TBD
Monday, February 19: TBD
March 29-April 5: No Surround Care
Thursday/Friday, April 25/26: Surround Care
Monday, May 27: No Surround Care

Scheduling Policy

Please submit a master schedule to Sarah Miller by email with the name of your child(ren), grade, dates, and times. There is no week-to-week scheduling. You may submit a monthly schedule on the final Friday of the month for the following month. For example, on Friday, August 25th, you may submit a schedule for the month of September with varying days and times.

After-School Rate
The after-school rate is $4.00 per hour for each child (Y5-5th grade only).

Full-Day (Non-School) Day Rate
The full-day rate will be assessed for all students (including preschoolers) at $4.00 per hour for the first child, $3.50 per hour for the second child, and $3.00 per hour for the third child with a minimum of $25.00 in FACTS for first, etc. $20 for second, $15 for third.

Additional Fees and Costs
There is a no-show fee of $10. A no-show fee will be assessed against a family’s FACTS child care account if your child does not attend Surround Care on a scheduled day. If it is an emergency or illness, then the no-show fee will not be assessed. Additionally, if your childcare account accrues $200 or more, then childcare will not be available until the balance is paid.


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