Grand Haven Christian School

Support and Enrichment

Educational Support Services

In accordance to our mission and in recognition of our academic diversity, our Educational Support Services (ESS) teachers partner with classroom teachers, parents, and other professionals in order to ensure students are reaching their full learning potential. 

GHC Educational Support Services 

Educational Support Services (ESS) at GHC shares a vision of inclusion for all students to learn with their peers. ESS teachers work alongside classroom teachers to create and implement interventions to support students’ learning gaps, as well as small group and individual instruction to address specific needs.

The GHC Educational Support Services offer:

  • Small group instruction
  • Individual instruction
  • Goal setting
  • Monthly review of student needs through the meeting of student success teams.
  • Referrals for educational evaluations through Grand Haven Area Public Schools.
  • Speech, occupational therapy, and social work services provided through Grand Haven Area Public Schools.

Student Advocacy 

We also have staff members on campus to support and direct social, emotional, and behavioral problems at school. The staff members include a social worker, Dean of Students, and Assistant Principal. Students are able to take time away from class for breaks or come speak to the staff as needed. Students are given appropriate tools to help them reach their full potential.

Students in classroom engaging in discussion

Educational Enrichment

GHC recognizes that all students learn differently, and have unique strengths and challenges. We are excited to offer an enrichment opportunity to students who give evidence of high achievement capability in the area of mathematics and language arts. 

SOAR: Students Opening doors, Achieving their potential, Reaching new heights.

Participating students will benefit from enrichment services or activities, in addition to the standard curriculum, in order to discover, accept, and develop their God-given capabilities more fully. In SOAR, there is an emphasis on the process of learning. Students continually grow in their understanding of themselves as learners and as children of God. 

Students in class building mini tables


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