Grand Haven Christian School


Annie Hoekzema


I earned a BA from Calvin University in 2006 in Elementary Education with minors in Fine Arts and English. I taught for a year in Michigan before moving to Milwaukee with my husband, where I taught for 7 years in Christian education. We moved to West Michigan, and after being home with our children, I am thrilled to be back in the classroom as part of the GHC community, teaching STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) and SOAR (Students Opening doors, Achieving their potential, Reaching new heights).

In my free time, I love time with my family- it is one of the greatest joys of my life! We enjoy playing board games, sports, and any outdoor activity. I also enjoy exercising, reading, golfing with my husband, and teaching in our children’s ministry at church. The best part of teaching is the incredible opportunity to integrate my love for the Lord, his children, and learning.

I am passionate about Christian education, so it is my goal to take each opportunity to nurture a Christ-centered, loving classroom where we can be curious, wonder, and have time to be in awe of our awesome God, as we learn about His Word, His world, and how we can use the gifts He gives us to glorify Him.

My deep hope is for all students to take delight in being a curious learner as we discover and examine God’s world and His invitation to be a part of His story to bring shalom to chaos.



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