Grand Haven Christian School



Jaren Phillips

All Day Preschool

I graduated from Cornerstone University in 2009 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education and Early Childhood Education. I continue to earn my Master’s Degree from Grand Valley University in Early Childhood Education with a focus in Curriculum and Instruction.

My husband and I have one beautiful little girl who will attends GHC. I love spending time with my family, playing sports, and scrapbooking. I am beyond blessed to be at GHC, where I can openly teach young children about God.

I get the opportunity to share God’s love through bible stories, songs, learning scripture and being an example for them in my life. Nothing brings me more joy than to see these children learning God’s word and being little lights in our community.

I love seeing their smiling faces as they walk in the door and their excitement to be at school. GHC is an amazing community where the staff make you feel so welcomed and loved and I am proud to be part of it.

Deep Hope

My deep hope is that my students will know how much God loves them and how to show love to others.


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