Grand Haven Christian School

Mission and Beliefs

Our Mission

Our mission at Grand Haven Christian School is to educate minds and shape hearts for service to God in His world.

Who We Are

Grand Haven Christian School is one support, along with home and church, helping students grow and mature in their Reformed Christian faith. The school glorifies God, reinforcing in students their parents’ and church’s Christian values while nurturing students in their faith. The school helps students of all abilities reach their full potential in mind, heart, and service to shine for Jesus Christ.

Staff and board members are active communicant members of churches following Reformed tenets.

Guiding Values

  1. To provide a nurturing Christian environment for all students.
  2. To teach for transformation using best educational theory, knowledge, and practice.
  3. To develop and deploy a God-centered curriculum integrating faith with learning
  4. To retain committed Christian staff who articulate a Reformed Christian faith perspective.

What We Believe

From its 1880 founding, Grand Haven Christian School has pursued its mission from the historic Christian faith’s Reformed perspective, emphasizing God’s providential care of his people and sovereign control of his creation. We know God in triune form, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as our Creator, Redeemer, and Lord, sovereign over all things. We believe in Jesus Christ as the only way to salvation as a gift of God, to whom we dedicate our lives in gratitude.

We regard the Bible as the infallible and authoritative word of God, who has called us to teach students to know and love him through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The Christian worldview we teach helps students love and serve others generously in a powerful life vision built on the truth of the Christian faith.

Expressions of our Faith

We adopt the Apostle’s Creed reflecting the core of our faith, expressed in the historic Reformed confessions The Belgic Confession, Heidelberg Catechism, and Canons of Dordt. Our students, staff, and administrators support, teach, model, and defend the Christian Reformed Church’s biblical truth for marriage, sexuality, and respect for life. Marriage is God’s covenant relationship for a man and a woman whom God unites through their mutual vows, their permanent unity made possible in Christ. We affirm that God alone determines sexual identity while reserving sexual intimacy for a man and a woman within their marriage.

We affirm the unique value of all humans as image bearers of God, valuing and protecting human life at all points from conception to death, in keeping with our Lord Jesus Christ’s commandment to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.


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